
Yesterday I ended up taking a day off from the gym because my knee has been acting up. I stayed home and did some reading then around 3pm I went shopping.

Grocery shopping. 🙂

I went downstairs to browse my favorite grocery store.

Everything I wanted was so incredibly expensive since it was imported in from the UK, New Zealand, Australia, or the US. Since I already brought most of my favorite foods with me, I didn’t buy much.

I left with bananas, a pumpkin black oat drink mix, golden zespri kiwis (I found them!!), and salmon rolls. I was originally going to stop at Pret a Manager for a hummus sandwich on my way home, but the sushi was calling out to me.

Plus all of these rolls were just 16.80 Hong Kong dollars.

That’s a total of 2.15 US dollars.

I ate the rolls for lunch then had the pumpkin black oat drink as a dessert.

Ingredients: Pumpkin, oat, black wheat, black sesame, golden syrup.

I just poured a packet into a mug and added hot water.

It’s not the prettiest looking thing, but it was actually pretty good.

It kind of reminded me of a cereal drink.

After lunch I took the subway over to Causeway Bay where Sogo is.

Looks pretty empty, yeah?

Yeah, not so much. It gets even busier in the mornings and evenings when everyones going to and from work.

Anyways, Sogo is a 12 story department store. It’s HUGE and sells anything from food to bedding and furniture to appliances. Basically anything you need, you can find it at Sogo.

I headed down to the basement where all the food is.

They have ready made foods or actual groceries.

My sister had a milk top pudding – Milk (original) flavor.

I passed on the pudding and sampled a few snacks . Obviously the samples worked because I ended up buying almost everything I tried.

Wasabi Rice Crackers:

Baked Broccoli Chips

Dried Jackfruit & Strawberries:

Afterwards I headed home. I live above a very international shopping mall so it’s really convenient when it comes to food. There are restaurants or fast food-type restaurants all over the mall.

I just went to a fast food place since it was already 9pm and had eggs with mushroom and shrimp.

The eggs had a strong buttery taste, which I didn’t really care for.
Today I went grocery shopping (yes, again), but for necessities. I’ll touch on that tomorrow, but right now I’m about to head out to Mong Kok, a super busy area, to meet up with my family. I think it actually has the highest population density in the world. Afterwards, it’s dinner at my grandparents house.
Hope everyone had a wonderful fourth! 🙂

8 Comments on “Shopping”

  1. Wowie! Those are some pretty unique finds! Pumpkin black oat drink? Milk pudding? Broccoli chips? I wouldn’t mind trying all those! The one thing I love about travelling is being able to find a whole bunch of new stuff that you never see at home. I’m one of those people that gets super excited whenever I see a new product at the store, so going to a new place is like heaven!

  2. Kalli says:

    wow that sushi is so cheap and it looks so fresh! what are you doing in japan?

  3. Lenna (veganlenna) says:

    That pumpkin drink sounds really interesting!!! I have never seen anything like that. And that sushi – I love it, I could eat sushi even for breakfast 🙂

  4. beatriceqq says:

    feel free to ask me to know more about hong kong!
    i am so a normal local hk people!

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