Highlights: Maldives

After spending four sunny days in the Maldives we stopped in Singapore for two and a half days on our way back to Hong Kong.

I got back to Hong Kong late last night, after quite the rocky flight [i despise turbulence], and have been spending my day catching up on summer school.

summer school-pro: I get to work on it whenever I want and not work on it whenever I want.

summer school-con: I end up immensely behind after a week off and am paying the price today.

Oh the joys of summer school 🙂

I did get to watch a great movie today though. Remember the movie, Remember the Titans? I had to watch it for my organizational behavior class for a discussion we are doing this week about diversity and leadership. I forgot what a great movie it is. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it!

Anyways, back to the Maldives. Here are some highlights from last week:

Getting my exercise through bike rides around the island and swims in the ocean

Attempting holiday card photos

The fresh fruits and juices


The eco-feel of the resort

The library’s large collection of almost untouched books and movies

The yoga studio

 The endless views

Apparently it’s rainy season in the Maldives right now and it rained the day before we arrived and began drizzling the day we left. So thankful it didn’t rain a drop when we were there!

Some photos I took when we were taking off.

It’s hard to imagine that all of this will all be underwater in 50 years.

I’ll be back tomorrow with my singapore highlights…including my one of my favorite sweet treats!

11 Comments on “Highlights: Maldives”

  1. Laura says:

    I want to be where you are right now! Looks beautiful! Great photos 🙂

  2. I still can’t get over how beautiful the Maldives are… and I love those “holiday card” pictures you took. Cutest idea ever 😀

    I don’t think I’d be disciplined enough to go to summer school… I have a hard enough time not leaving everything to the last minute during regular classes, so I’d probably leave the whole summer school course to the very last week and make myself sick with stress just trying to catch up.

    • kris says:

      Me either! I’m still in awe I was there.
      Thanks! 🙂

      Oh gosh, I’m struggling! haha. I’ve been in summer school mode ever since I got back to Hong Kong and am trying to finish everything before their due dates!

  3. Kalli says:

    what amazing pictures! love the holiday card inspired ones…..too beautiful!

  4. i seriously can’t get over how gorgeous the Maldives are. Simply stunning. (and you are gorgeous, too 😉 )
    I love that you’re organized enough to plan out holiday cards, too!! That’s such a last-minute thing here, haha.

    • kris says:

      aw, thanksss, you’re makin me blush 🙂
      haha it’s usually a last min thing for us too, but my sister was all over getting them done asap!

  5. […] we finally headed to the airport. Since we had some time to spare I stopped to buy a loaf of one of my favorite sweet treats I mentioned 2 days […]

  6. Lenna (veganlenna) says:

    I used to have one of those wooden pencils when I was younger 🙂 Bike rides around the isle sounds like the best workout ever 🙂

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