Up In The Air

Has any seen that movie?

I wasn’t really a fan of it, but I know some people who loved it.

I kind of just felt like they were advertising for American Airlines the entire movie. And it might have been because I was flying on American when I watched it.

Anyways, I’m currently over 30,000 ft in the air somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.

I’ve been in the air over 6 hours and only have 9 more to go!

Yes, Nine.

I’m sure I’m ready to be off.

Or I’m probably passed out. As long as I didn’t drink any coffee 🙂

Around this time last year, I was getting ready for a trip to Europe with one of my foodie friends. We spent 12 days eating our way through France and we kept a tumblr where we blogged about all our fun adventures 🙂

Check it out here! 🙂

I’ll be sure to do a real post as soon as I get settled in. Have a great Thursday!

5 Comments on “Up In The Air”

  1. Have a safe trip! Can’t wait to hear about your travels 🙂

  2. That tumblr is awesome! thanks for sharing! I’ve always wanted to go to France, so at least I was able to live vicariously through you for a bit 🙂

  3. Oh my gosh, the tumblr pics are awesome! It is my dream to do the exact same thing one day!

    PS, Up in the Air…such a waste of my precious time! 😦 Boo!

    Have a safe trip girlie!

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