Summertime fruits and veggies

Does it feel like this year’s been flying by, or is it just me?  I seriously can’t believe it’s already mid-may! According to the official calendar, summer begins June 21st, but if you ask me, it’s already feels like summer. Especially this hot weather outside, which I am SO not loving. I feel like it’s summer because I’m seeing all my favorite summertime fruits and veggies popping up in grocery stores, which makes me oh-so-excited!  I bought my first watermelon of the season the other day along with some peaches, which I completely forgot about.  They were getting borderline too ripe for my taste so I had to use them stat.  So naturally, I added them to my breakfast.

I’ve been feeling super oat-y lately, especially with our overcast sky’s today so I made myself a large bowl of oats.

I’m pretty new to oat bran and I had NO idea that they would bulk up so much during cooking so I couldn’t even use my normal bowl today.  Needless to say…I am now stuffed but very satisfied 🙂

Welcome Summer Oats

  • 1/4 cup oat bran
  • ~ 1/4 cup regular oats
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 organic large egg white
  • ~ 1/4 cup low-fat organic cottage cheese
  • 1/2 ripe peach diced into 1/2 inch pieces + a couple wedges for garnish

Combine first 4 ingredients (oatbran to water) and cook at  medium high until the oats have absorbed half the liquid. Stir in the egg white and continue to stir until the oats are almost fully cooked. Lower heat to medium and stir in cottage cheese and diced peaches. Oats are ready once cottage cheese has melted and become fully incorporated and peaches are soft.

I topped with a couple of peach slices and some bananas because I had 1/2 of one left over from yesterday and needed to use it up. (I had a late night mini bowl of oat bran late last night because I had dinner way too early and was starving by 9pm.  Perfect excuse to try my new box of oat bran! hehe)

I enjoyed the textures of the two oats in this bowl along with the softened peaches that added a nice sweetness that went very well with the cottage cheese and egg whites.  It kind of reminded me of the cottage cheese+canned peaches combo that I used to eat all the time.  Now I’ve upgraded to fresh peaches 🙂

I can’t wait to start eating fresh cherries this summer, my absolute favorite!  I seem to say that about every fruit haha 😉  But I just like them all.  I’m also excited for the abundance of figs, mangos, apricots, pineapple, berries, tomatoes, and CORN!

Good thing I had a big breakfast because I’m off to play caddie to my sister.  She’s playing a practice round this afternoon at a local golf course where she’ll be playing a qualifer (US Women’s Open Golf Championship) in a couple weeks.

Do you have any favorite summertime fruits and veggies?  Or do you have any that you can’t stand? I’m not the biggest fan of melon (cantaloupe, honeydew…).  Watermelon is the only one I’ll eat.

4 Comments on “Summertime fruits and veggies”

  1. Lauren says:

    Overcast skies always make me crave oatmeal too! And I’m with you on melon. I’ve never been a big fan of canteloupe or honeydew but watermelon is always welcome in my life.

    • kris says:

      I just think melons (other than watermelon) have a borderline smelly taste. If that makes sense…haha. That came out kind of confusing.

  2. Well I’m a little jealous…it’s not like summer here much at all! It’s been raining for the past week :X
    I always start craving summertime fruits this time of year, too. I can’t wait until berries are in season and I can pick them myself rather than pick up a container of ones flown in from California…
    I’m not much of a melon fan, either. It seems like everyone else in blogworld adores it, though – I’m glad I finally found someone else who doesn’t!

    • kris says:

      I enjoy the rain from time to time. It makes for good baking days 🙂
      Ok, now I’M jealous! You get to pick you own berries??…I can only dream of doing that!
      I guess it’s just you, me and Lauren who aren’t melon people…Non-melon loving fans unite! 😀

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